On 12/20/2012 08:17 PM, Patrick Walton wrote:
I just profiled this. Some thoughts:


On 12/20/12 9:12 PM, Brian Anderson wrote:
First, stack switching. Switching between Rust and C code has bad
performance due to bad branch prediction. Some workloads can spend
10% of their time stalling in the stack switch.

This didn't seem too high, actually. It should only be ~20,000 stack switches (read and write) if we solve the following issue:

Second, working with uv involves sending a bunch of little work units to
a dedicated uv task. This is because callbacks from uv into Rust *must
not fail* or the runtime will crash. Where typical uv code runs directly
in the event callbacks, Rust dispatches most or all of that work to
other tasks. This imposes significant context switching and locking

This is actually the problem. If you're using a nonblocking I/O library (libuv) for a fundamentally blocking workload (sending lots of requests to redis and blocking on the response for each one), *and* you're multiplexing userland green threads on top of it, then you're going to get significantly worse performance than you would if you had used a blocking I/O setup. We can make some of the performance differential up by switching uv over to pipes, and maybe we can play dirty tricks like having the main thread spin on the read lock so that we don't have to fall into the scheduler to punt it awake, but I still don't see any way we will make up the 10x performance difference for this particular use case without a fundamental change to the architecture. Work stealing doesn't seem to be a viable solution here since the uv task really needs to be one-task-per-thread.

I'm still optimistic, though I agree that the throughput of using pipes and tasks to create synchronous interfaces on top of uv must be lower than if using uv as intended, particularly if you multiplex data across many tasks.

In the best case you essentially just want to be able to quickly transfer large buffers from the client task to the I/O task, or the other way. In a dual-core setup pipes should be able to do that very fast, rarely yielding to the (Rust) scheduler. I'm assuming that we can do that without copying buffers to and from the uv loop, and I also assume that the current implementation requires copies. You'll still pay the cost of dealing with the uv async callback (don't recall exactly what it's called but it's how you wake up the loop from another thread), so it's going to be slower, but as the general purpose I/O subsystem I think it will be the best choice because it doesn't block your task, so you can write task oriented code and it will do the right thing.

Maybe the best thing is just to make the choice of nonblocking versus blocking I/O a choice that tasks can make on an individual basis. It's a footgun to be sure; if you use blocking I/O you run the risk of starving other tasks on the same scheduler to death, so perhaps we should restrict this mode to schedulers with 1:1 scheduling. But this would be in line with the general principle that we've been following that the choice of 1:1 and M:N scheduling should be left to the user, because there are performance advantages and disadvantages to each mode.

I agree that we need multiple strategies, ideally that implement common traits.

In order to have competitive performance in high-throughput applications we need to use uv as intended and run our code inside the uv callbacks. Right now there is no high-level API for this, so I think that when we revisit this stuff one of the first things we need to do is add those modules and get them solid and fast. Then rebuild everything on top of that.

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