On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 3:17 PM, Niko Matsakis <n...@alum.mit.edu> wrote:
> Ashish Myles wrote:
>> 5. Consistency of len/size:
>>    Each language seems to have its own standard for specifying container
>>    size. I thought Rust's convention was len from vector, dvec, list, etc,
>>    but deque uses size.  Should that also be len?  Or rather, as "size" is
>>    the more generic term (applies semantically to arbitrary containers
>> like
>>    trees and maps), should "size" be the standard? Or, like ruby, perhaps
>>    both could be allowed.
> Good question.  This is the sort of thing that we are going to be addressing
> as we cleanup the libraries.  I agree we should settle on one.  I don't
> personally care which it is. I'm personally not bothered by the semantic
> mismatch of a set having a length, but I guess `size()` would be the most
> broadly applicable and least likely to inspire later flame wars.

FWIW Qt uses `count()`. (but also has size() for STL compatibility,
and length() as well when it makes sense...)

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