In Haskell they're spectacularly useful.  For example, implementing STM in
about a weekend as opposed to never:

I know STM doesn't necessarily play with the Rust memory model, just an
example of an unexpected capability that emerged from having pure functions.

On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 10:23 AM, Gregory Maxwell <>wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 10:08 AM, Max Cantor <> wrote:
> > I know this will be an unpopular opinion, but pure functions would be a
> > massive win for Rust, especially if the eventual goal is high
> performance,
> > highly parallelizable (browser rendering engines..) development.
> Being able to annotate a function as side-effect free (e.g. via
> __attribute__ ((pure)) in GCC) can yield some useful optimizations,
> but I expect that LTO largely makes it unnecessary.  The pure
> attribute in GCC in C is not checked and can result in bugs, but I
> think it's also not widely enough used in C that there is a lot of
> practical experience with bugs resulting from the misuse. At times I
> know I've wished the annotation were more widely used just because it
> would make reasoning about third party code easier:  "does foobar()
> have non-trivial side effects???"
> I understand that D has checkable pure functions I'm not sure how
> useful they've been there. I recall hearing that there were some
> gnarly interactions with heap allocation.
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