Hi Graydon,
How does Rust currently represent its' pointers to vectors?  Based on what
I've seen in the library, it seems that ~[T] and @[T] are plain pointers
(with size stored in the pointee), but &[T] is a fat pointer, i.e. a
(ptr,len) pair.  Is this correct?

On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 12:22 PM, Graydon Hoare <gray...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> On 30/04/2013 11:26 AM, Gábor Lehel wrote:
>  Couldn't this be relaxed? In other words allow dynamically sized `str`
>> as a type (and perhaps similarly for other dynamically sized types), but
>> prohibit those things specifically which would be problematic, i.e.
>> using it in ways that would require knowing its size?
> This option was considered at ... great length, a year ago during the
> vector-reform conversations.
> https://mail.mozilla.org/**pipermail/rust-dev/2012-April/**001742.html<https://mail.mozilla.org/pipermail/rust-dev/2012-April/001742.html>
> https://mail.mozilla.org/**pipermail/rust-dev/2012-April/**001772.html<https://mail.mozilla.org/pipermail/rust-dev/2012-April/001772.html>
> https://mail.mozilla.org/**pipermail/rust-dev/2012-June/**001951.html<https://mail.mozilla.org/pipermail/rust-dev/2012-June/001951.html>
> https://mail.mozilla.org/**pipermail/rust-dev/2012-July/**002114.html<https://mail.mozilla.org/pipermail/rust-dev/2012-July/002114.html>
> I'm not sure anyone ever reduced those threads to their essence, but
> re-reading them I think I can articulate the fundamental difficulty with
> what you're suggesting:
>   - Any object has a real size. Some sizes are statically known,
>     some must be discovered dynamically (by reading a size field
>     or carrying a size value in a (ptr,size) pair)
>   - When T is static-size, &T and ~T and @T should be 1-word
>     pointers. The compiler knows the size.
>   - To operate on a vector of statically-unknown size, you
>     need to get its dynamically-known size from somewhere.
>     This means pointers to vectors need to carry bounds.
>   - So ~[] and @[] and &[] are not the same representation as
>     ~T, @T and &T in general. They have to have a size stuck
>     on them somewhere.
>   - We want to be able to take sub-slices and have slices that
>     point to fixed-size vectors in C structs. This means
>     slices can't have their length in the pointee, and have to be
>     (ptr,len) pairs.
> So about the only wiggle room away from where we are now is that we might
> be able to make ~[] represented by (ptr,len) pairs too, like slices are,
> rather than 1 ptr that points to a [len,data...] buffer. But it's not clear
> if that would buy us anything. Maybe a bit more genericity in impls, though
> I don't know how; Niko might. There might be a bit more room for
> improvement here, but it's an _extremely_ constrained space to work in.
> -Graydon
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