This solution works well ! I think that's a nice enough workaround for now as I won't spread it that much in my code.

Now I understand why there's a restriction on trait types (though I thought at the beginning it was an argument type mismatch), I'm looking forward for a cleaner solution :)

Thanks a lot for your answer.

On 23/05/2013 20:35, Graydon Hoare wrote:
On 21/05/2013 4:50 AM, Vincent O. wrote:

The issue is the same with owned boxes. Is it the intended behavior ? in
this case, is there any workaround ?

You're running into one of the motivations for Niko's work on trying to unify our treatment of unknown-sized types:

Essentially: at the moment, a trait-name used as a type is of unknown size -- each implementation has a different size -- so we disallow referring to it as a type _at all_ in "type context" such as the T in ptr_eq<T>, requiring you to write a known-size type there, such as @Trait or ~Trait or &Trait. This also comes up with 'str' and '[]' not being types, only @str, &str and ~str (or @[], ~[] and &[]).

The more-complete solution will involve a reorganization of how unknown-size types are classified. It's planned work, just not done yet.

In the meantime, I suspect your best workaround for what you're trying to do is ... somewhat awful, as it relies on the fact (that I happen to know!) that a @Trait is a 2-word "fat pointer":

     unsafe {
       let a : (*u8,*u8) = cast::transmute(x);
       let b : (*u8,*u8) = cast::transmute(y);
       x == y

This is obviously an awful "solution", but if you're blocked on it, it should work for now.


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