I would rather see Atmel AVR or ARM Cortex M0 as targets.

Also, would low voltage, low power 8-bit targets with under 512KB ram be
impossible ?

On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 10:20 AM, Thomas Daede <daede...@umn.edu> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm relatively new to Rust, and this is the first time I've posted on
> this list. For my senior honors thesis, I would like to improve Rust
> so that it can be used on microcontrollers and other small embedded
> systems. This is a sector dominated by C and has seen little change
> for quite a while, due to most other languages not meeting the unique
> requirements. Besides being constrained in RAM and CPU power, the
> program binary also generally runs directly out of NOR Flash based
> ROM, so that the binary code itself takes no RAM space. This precludes
> most JIT based systems - interpreter based languages take less RAM,
> but are also very slow.
> Rust is in many ways a very good fit for microcontrollers. Its memory
> safety is very useful for many different applications, and helps
> greatly for task isolation on systems without memory protection. In
> addition, memory allocation is explicit so the programmer can choose
> where best to allocate the RAM - important for things like avoiding
> the GC in sensitive code regions. And of course, there are all the
> other benefits that Rust has compared to C in general.
> However, Rust isn't ready for microcontrollers yet. Here's what I plan
> to implement, in order:
> - Static linking for runtime and Core crate
> - Compiling runtime and Core without thread support
> - Adding compatibility with the newlib C library
> - Adding configurable stack allocation
> - Adding arm-none-eabi target
> - Wrappers around a native C peripheral library, such as libopencm3
> This should be the bare minimum to get a demo up and running. I plan
> to target the STM32F4 series of microcontrollers initially, using
> libopencm3's linker scripts, and the C compiler and linker from
> gnu-arm-embedded. I know there has been some work to remove the
> dependency on the core and runtime libraries, however it seems
> difficult to strip them out entirely, and I think they are useful
> enough that I would rather port them instead.
> I would like to know if anyone else has tried this yet, or has
> comments about how this should be implemented.
> - Thomas Daede
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