On 7/2/13 8:14 PM, Brian Anderson wrote:
Oh look at this! It's a 0.7 release candidate!

sha256: 0b88b8a4489382e0a69214eaab88e2e7c316ec33c164af0d3b53630b17590df0
sha256: 919fb016611888a139c8b451c8553b7695fe85596ad45764b8d4656a47c2e0f6

This is _not_ a signed release, just a candidate. If you have some spare
cycles please give this an install and report whether it does what you
expect. We want to prove that the install works on platforms we tend to
support (OS X 10.6+, various Linuxes, and Windows 7 & 2008) and the
compiler generally behaves as expected, considering the various known
issues. Testing on under-represented platforms is particularly welcome.
Note that I've heard that Rust doesn't currently work on Mac OS 10.9,
but further confirmation couldn't hurt.


Rust-dev mailing list


OK on OSX 10.8.2 (kernel info below)

Make check gives:

   summary of 24 test runs: 5227 passed; 0 failed; 313 ignored

$ uname -a
Darwin elendil.local 12.2.0 Darwin Kernel Version 12.2.0: Sat Aug 25 00:48:52 PDT 2012; root:xnu-2050.18.24~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64

The compiler seems to be working normally for my wee sillynesses.

Tangentially, the colorized warnings are an EXTREMELY nice touch.


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