> .. no new   languages have  used it in ages


On 14/07/2013, at 4:29 PM, Bennie Kloosteman <bkloo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The C printf way is  very primative  .. no new   languages have  used it in 
> ages and even C++ tried to replace it with cout and overloading .
> I prefer the Java  /C# way  which is best from a coding simplicity and safety 
> point of view but can handle different cases.
> stream.Write  ( str1 + str2 +string3)   ( you can go Console.WriteLine or 
> File  but these use a stream underneath so i dont think it would make a huge 
> difference in performance ) 
> I dont like   print (str1 , str2 ,str3 ) as much   because  its not as  
> obvious what the method does  eg  in C#  if str1+str2 ..etc etc is too slow  
> in a big loop you go to 
> var str =string.Format ( "This is a long string with many  inserts {0} at 
> different points {1} , val0 , val1 ...) ;
> stream.Write  (str);
> and if that is still too slow use stringbuilder to write direcly to the 
> stream.
> and if that is still too slow build your own char array 
> It may be needed for the lib to give ok performance but i would call it 
> somehing obscure like internal_print so its not the default option for every  
> c programmer ..the default / easiest option needs  to be the easiest and 
> safest one to program .. which c printf style is not.. 
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