
On 10/08/2013 14:23, Michael Woerister wrote:
Hi everyone,
I'm writing a series of blog posts about a possible *yield statement*
for Rust. I just published the article that warrants some discussion and
I'd really like to hear what you all think about the things therein:
I have been toying around with the idea of yield for a bit, but I think there are quite a few big problems that need figuring out.

The way "yield return" works in C# is that it rewrites the code into a state machine behind the scenes. It essentially generates a helper class that encapsulates all the state.

In Rust that's much harder to do due to the type system. Imagine you are doing a yield from a generic hash map. The code that does the rewriting would have to place the hash map itself on the helper struct that holds the state. Which means that the person writing the generator would have to put that into the return value.

I currently have a really hard time thinking about how the c# trick would work :-(

Aside from this some random notes from Python:

- generators go in both directions in Python which caused problems
  until Python 3.3 where "yield from" (your "yield ..") was introduced
  that expands into a monstrosity that forwards generators into both
- instead of using "fn" like "def" in Python I would prefer if it was
  an explicit "yield fn" that indicates that the function generates an
  iterator.  The fact that Python reuses "def" is a source of lots of
  bugs and confusion.

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