
I was just thinking about that again, and I wonder if that could be used to create a pattern for initialization "literals" for collections.

Once we have "yield fn" there could be syntax that converts initialization code into a generator that is passed to a function call:

    let mut l = List::literal() {{

    /* -> */

    let mut l = List::literal((yield || -> Iterator<(~str)> {
        yield return ~"foo",
        yield return ~"bar"

And as an extension to make hashmap syntax nicer:

    let mut hm = HashMap::literal() {{
        ~"foo" => 1,
        ~"bar" => 2

    /* -> */

    let mut hm = HashMap::literal((yield || -> Iterator<(~str, int)> {
        yield return (~"foo", 1),
        yield return (~"bar", 2)

Unfortunately it could not be HashMap::new() because we can't have functions with different argument counts :(

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