Hi, I commented under the github Issue for this already, but let me post my proposal to the mailing list as well:

My proposal is a `r""` syntax, with the option to pad the string on both ends with `#` to allow any string inside:

foo  ==  r"foo"
fo"o ==  r#"fo"o"#
"##  ==  r###""##"###

As far as I know we don't allow `#` in an expression context, it's only valid as part of the attribute syntax, so this should work.
Heck, it would even be ok in attributes themselves, I think:

#[foo = r##"test"##];

Alternatively, we could also throw away the `r` token itself and say that any number of `#` followed by `"` starts an raw string literal:

let regex = #"[\d]+"#;

Or we make both forms valid: `r""` for short raw strings, and `#""#`, `##""##`, ... as alternative to cover every possible string.

It would be similar to Luas syntax, but in my opinion has more advantages:
- It has the same advantage of being able to delimit any text.
- Only being limited to `#` is not a problem, you can still find a delimiter sequence for any input, and only need to pad with more `#`s at all if your string contains `"`, `"#`, `"##`etc. - The default case `r""` has very low typing overhead, and looks very similar to a regular string literal, no confusion about meaning, or annoyance about it not being intuitive. - Unlike Lua and a few of the other proposals here, r"" doesn't feel out of place syntax-wise.

If we look at the uses casesAlex Crichton listed under the github issue:

1. Regular expressions:

r"([^:]*):(\d+):(\d+): (\d+):(\d+) (.*)$".match_groups();

2. Windows paths:

r"C:\Program Files\rust\bin\rust.exe".to_path()

3. `format!` strings:


4. Blobs of text:

static MARKDOWN: &'static str = r###"
## Scope

This is an introductory tutorial for the Rust programming language. It
covers the fundamentals of the language, including the syntax, the
type system and memory model, generics, and modules. [Additional
tutorials](#what-next) cover specific language features in greater

This tutorial assumes that the reader is already familiar with one or
more languages in the C family. Understanding of pointers and general
memory management techniques will help.

So, what do you think?
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