Having memory is cheap, accessing it isn't.

On Monday, November 4, 2013, Thad Guidry wrote:

> Bill, memory is cheap.
> On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 9:50 PM, Bill Myers 
> <bill_my...@outlook.com<javascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 'bill_my...@outlook.com');>
> > wrote:
>> The advantage of segmented stacks is that blocked tasks only take up as
>> much memory as they actually need to store state, so that for instance a
>> network server can use a task for each connection, and still only use, say,
>> 64 bytes per connection if that's possible instead of the number of stack
>> pages that got allocated for previous computation (assuming an "extreme"
>> version that allocates a stack segment on every call).
>> However, there is another approach that can replace segmented stacks for
>> that purpose, namely having the compiler automatically transform blocking
>> functions to instead return a future (with limited lifetime).
>> This means that segmented allocation only happens for functions that
>> indirectly perform I/O and only allocates the exact amount of memory needed
>> to retain state that must persistent across the blocking I/O operation,
>> while other functions execute normally using traditional stacks.
>> The simplest example of this feature is async/await in C# 5, and Scala
>> has a delimited continuation passing transformation that can be used to do
>> the same thing.
>> Has this been considered for Rust?
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> --
> -Thad
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