On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 10:49 AM, Bill Myers <bill_my...@outlook.com> wrote:

> I see several proposals for the future of Rust tasks, and I think one of
> the best approaches is being overlooked, and that is something similar to
> async in C# (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/hh191443.aspx
> ).
> In C#, the "async" keyword can be applied to functions and it causes the
> compiler to transform a function that returns T into a function that
> returns a Task<T> (which is C#'s name for a future of type T) representing
> the potentially asynchronous computation.
> Blocking is representing by using the "await" keyword on a future
> (typically returned by a call to another "async" function), and it causes
> the compiler to perform a Continuation-Passing Style transformation, and
> attach the continuation to the future, returning another future
> representing the composed computation.
> I/O functions are designed to return futures, so in this system blocking
> causes all calling "async" functions to return, building up a chain of
> continuations on the heap, which is equivalent to the machine stack in a
> current-Rust task, but which is as small as needed, and is only used for
> call chains that block.
> In Rust, this transformation is much more delicate, because the resulting
> return value futures must have a lifetime that is the smallest among all
> the arguments to the function, if those arguments are needed by the
> continuation, and the argument types must be "shareable" between parallel
> forks (e.g. std::rc::Rc is not shareable because RC manipulation is
> non-atomic).

Can you please elaborate on this point?   What arguments are you talking
about here, and why future's lifetime needs to be restricted?
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