On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 10:46 PM, David Rajchenbach-Teller
<dtel...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> On 11/13/13 9:08 PM, Ben Noordhuis wrote:
>> Libuv maintainer here.  Libuv's current approach to dealing with
>> blocking I/O is fairly crude: it offloads everything to a rather
>> unsophisticated thread pool.  There is plenty of room for improvement.
>> So far relatively little effort has gone into optimizing file I/O
>> because it's not very critical for node.js.  I've been looking for an
>> excuse to spend more time on it so please file issues or post
>> suggestions.  If you have test cases or benchmarks where libuv is
>> significantly lagging, please point me to them and I'll see what I can
>> do.
> If, by any chance, I find time, I would be interested in giving a hand.
> (I'm the main dev of Mozilla's OS.File)

That would be great.  We hang out in #libuv on freenode.org, drop by
for a chat.  There is also a mailing list if you prefer that.

> [...]
>>> On modern systems with flash memory, including mobile, there is a 
>>> *consistent*
>>> and relatively small worst-case latency for accessing data on the disk so
>>> blocking is essentially a non-issue.
> Well, for some systems, that's possible, but in the wild, that's not
> realistic. Firefox Telemetry shows unpredictable worst-case latencies
> that can be very long (I am talking multi-seconds worst-case, and 800 ms
> rather common cases).
>> I'm not sure if I can agree with that.  One of the issues with
>> blocking I/O is that the calling thread gets rescheduled when the
>> operation cannot be completed immediately.  Depending on workload and
>> system scheduler, it may get penalized when blocking often.
> Is that an issue? I tend to assume that a thread that does I/O should
> expect being rescheduled often.

Why that assumption?  (No snark, I'm genuinely curious.)

I reason from a different perspective: the scheduler wants me to use
up that time slice it allotted to me and will only suspend me if at
some point there is no going forward.
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