
as I understand it, currently, rust zeros variables after cleanup or
when moved from (and adds a "drop flag" field to structs with cleanup
logic to be zeroed), and so dynamically, at runtime, tracks which
variables need to be freed/have destructors called.

This might change somewhat: https://github.com/mozilla/rust/issues/5016


On Sat, 2013-11-16 at 17:59 +0100, spir wrote:
> Hello,
> say a function defines 4 pointed elements of data. Depending on logical 
> conditions, one of them escapes the func to be assigned to some world 
> variable 
> (static or on heap), while another is returned. How does Rust determine which 
> of 
> those data are to be freed? Seems this can only be done dynamically, at 
> runtime, 
> or do I miss a relevant point? Is there a cheap algo to do this?
> (Also, those elements of data can be arbitrarily complex, and hold other 
> pointed 
> data which themselves may be placed there conditionally.)
> Thank you,
> denis
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