None of these look like allocation.


Kevin Ballard <> wrote:
>I am very saddened by the fact that we're apparently reserving `new` as
>a keyword, and even more by the fact that the proposed placement new
>syntax is `new(foo) bar`. This looks exactly like C++, and it goes
>against the strong precedence we already have of using new() as a
>static function for types. Path::init("foo") looks extremely wrong to
>Surely there's another syntax we can use for placement new that doesn't
>involve reserving `new` as a keyword? Here's a few random ideas (where
>"val" is the value expression and "place" is the place expression):
>~in(place) val
>in(place) ~val
>~val in place  (assuming this isn't somehow ambiguous)
>~~val in place (the existing ~~val would have to be written ~(~val))
>~~(place) val  (the existing ~~val would have to be written ~(~val))
>~<place> val
>~=place val
>~>place val    (this looks like an arrow pointing to the place)
>~>(place) val
>Personally I think `~in(place) val` is perfectly fine. It's not the
>prettiest of syntaxes, but placement new should be very rare, and this
>allows us to avoid reserving `new` and continue to use ~ as the
>allocation operator.
>Rust-dev mailing list

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