On 1/1/14 10:06 PM, Vadim wrote:
Well, since requiring '&' at the original borrow site doesn't really
prevent the "unexpected mutability" problem, why not drop it and
eliminate a bunch of noise from Rust sources?

But it does eliminate mutation of lvalues.

And, again, if
"unexpected mutability" is what concerns people, "mut" annotation is the
better way to fix that, IMHO.

I don't know if it's a coherent proposal. Consider these four function signatures, each of which might mutate their arguments:

    fn f(x: &mut int) { ... }

    fn g(x: (&mut int, &mut int)) { ... }

    struct S<'a> {
        a: &'a mut int,
        b: &'a mut uint,
    fn h(x: S) { ... }

    fn i<T>(x: T, f: |T|) { f(x) }

How might `i` mutate its argument? Consider function `j`:

    fn j() {
        let mut x = 3;
        i(&mut x, |ptr| *ptr = 5);

So `i` mutated its argument. So how should you be forced to notate that? Should you have to write:

    fn i<T>(x: T, f: |T|) { f(mut x) }

    ... i(&mut x, |ptr| *ptr = 5);


    fn i<T>(x: T, f: |T|) { f(x) }

    ... i(mut &mut x, |ptr| *ptr = 5);


    fn i<T>(x: T, f: |T|) { f(mut x) }

    ... i(mut &mut x, |ptr| *ptr = 5);

And that's just a simple example: start throwing in existential types like traits and it becomes clear that you really can't tell from the program where mutation could possibly happen, because the types are hiding mutability from you. And that's fine--existential types and generics deliberately permit that abstraction. But it does mean, I think, that we can't meaningfully talk about a sound and complete "mut" annotation at call sites.


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