Congrats to 0.9!

I'm coming from a C/C++/Python background and was loosely following the progress of Rust
for quite a while now, but never tried it until yesterday.

I must admit i'm quite pleased so far, but i have some question, which i hope you could
help to clarify.

1. I miss a search functionality on the mailing list. Am i just blind, or do i have to
use google with the "site:" option?

2. I'm used to curly braces, but every time i have to code in C or JavaScript i miss the better readability of python's curly-free syntax. What was the reason to keep the (imho: annoying) curly braces? I must confess i was a little bit taken aback by the first
sentence on "Rust is a curly-brace, ..."

3. If i wanted to use Rust instead of C for external Python-Modules, what would be my
options to achieve that? Could i use ctypes and Rust's "extern"?

4. Why is the BSD implementation almost 3 times faster then the linux and mac-versions ?

5. When will we see a Rust version of the Linux kernel? Just joking! ;-) Keep up the good

Thx and regards,
Rust-dev mailing list

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