That's what I figured. Forbidding unsafe is definitely a good way to keep
things simple starting out. Compile time evaluation can always be extended
later on.

On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 3:21 PM, Pierre Talbot <> wrote:

> On 01/28/2014 11:26 PM, Eric Reed wrote:
>> Looks pretty reasonable to me at first glance.
>> Out of curiosity, what's the rationale behind forbidding unsafe
>> functions/blocks?
>>  In the reference manual we can read things such as: "Mutating an
> immutable value/reference, if it is not marked as non-freeze". This would
> be impossible at compile-time.
> But I'm agree that we could relax this constraint and specify more
> precisely in which cases we disallow this.|||||
> |
>> On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 2:15 PM, Pierre Talbot < <mailto:
>>>> wrote:
>>     Hi,
>>     The Mozilla foundation proposes research internships [1] and the
>>     CTFE optimization in the Rust compiler seems to be a really
>>     exciting project. I wrote a proposal [2] that I'll send with my
>>     application and so I'd like to share it with you and discuss about
>>     bringing CTFE inside Rust.
>>     Here a non-exhaustive summary of key points in my proposal.
>>     First of all, we need to establish when CTFE is triggered, I found
>>     two contexts (denoted as a hole []):
>>     * Inside a immutable static variable ("static" ident ':' type '='
>>     [] ';').
>>     * In a vector expression ('[' expr ',' ".." [] ']').
>>     Next in a similar way than with "inline attributes" we might want
>>     to add these new attributes:
>>     * #[ctfe] hints the compiler to perform CTFE.
>>     * #[ctfe(always)] asks the compiler to always perform CTFE
>>     resulting in a
>>     compiler error if it's impossible.
>>     * #[ctfe(never)] asks the compiler to never perform CTFE resulting
>>     in a compiler
>>     error if this function is called in a CTFE context.
>>     The rational behind this is that some functions might want to
>>     disallow CTFE, for example if they manipulate machine-dependent
>>     data (such as playing with endianness). Some might want to be
>>     designed only for compile-time and so we want to disable run-time
>>     execution. Finally others might hints the compiler to "try to
>>     optimize whenever you can", of course if the function contains
>>     infinite loop for some input, the compilation might not terminate.
>>     I propose some requirements on function eligible for CTFE (see the
>>     proposal for references to the Rust manual):
>>     1. Its parameters are evaluable at compile-time.
>>     2. It isn't a diverging function.
>>     3. It isn't an unsafe function.
>>     4. It doesn't contain unsafe block.
>>     5. It doesn't perform I/O actions.
>>     6. The function source code is available to the compiler. It
>>     mustn't be in an external
>>     block, however it can be an extern function.
>>     In this proposal, you'll also find a pseudo-coded algorithm,
>>     related work (in D and C++), and much more :-)
>>     If you have any suggestions or corrections, do not hesitate. Also,
>>     feel free to ask questions.
>>     Regards,
>>     Pierre Talbot
>>     [1]
>>     [2]
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