Greetings Rustaceans!

Upon updating your nightly builds tonight some of you may realize that
all I/O code will fail to compile. Fear not, this simply means that
#11946 has landed! The summary of this change is the same as its
title, "remove io::io_error". This is quite a far-reaching change,
despite its simple summary.

All I/O now returns a value of type `io::IoResult<T>` which is just a
typedef to `Result<T, IoError>`. By returning a Result from all
function calls, it's not much cleaner to handle errors (condition
syntax is quite awkward), less overhead (registering a condition
handler was expensive), and clearer what I/O should do now (should you
raise? should you return a "0 value"?).

Handling errors is always a tricky situation, so the compiler now
provides you two tools to assist you in handling errors:

1. The new unused_must_use lint. This lint mode will tell you when you
don't use an IoResult<T>. The purpose of this lint is to help you find
out where in your program you're silently ignoring errors (often by
accident). If you want even more warnings, you can turn on the
unused_result lint which will warn about *all* unused results, not
just those of type Result/IoResult.

2. The new if_ok!() macro. This macro has a fairly simple definition
[0], and the idea is to return-early if an Err is encountered, and
otherwise unwrap the Ok value. Some sample usage looks like:

    fn fun1() -> io::IoResult<int> { ... }
    fn fun2() -> io::IoResult<uint> { ... }
    fn fun3() -> io::IoResult<()> { ... }

    fn foo() -> io::IoResult<uint> {
        let val = if_ok!(fun1()) as uint + if_ok!(fun2());

These two tools are in place to help you handle errors unobtrusively
as well as identify locations where you've forgotten to handle errors.

Sorry about the awful rebasings you'll have to do in advance, but it's worth it!

[0] -
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