I'm actually confused about what "object inheritance" means in Rust.

I understand that Rust makes a very clear separation between behaviour
(traits) and data (structs). So, when I saw mentions to "virtual
structs" implementing or not implementing virtual functions, I had the
/sensation/ that these very distinct concepts are starting to get mixed
in ways that I find a bit confusing from the user's perspective.


Richard Gomes
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On 12/03/14 19:33, Daniel Micay wrote:
> On 12/03/14 09:21 AM, Niko Matsakis wrote:
>> I personally think that offering some kind of virtual structs fits
>> completely within Rust. We've always tried to avoid "one size fits
>> all" thinking -- in real life there are performance tradeoffs, and you
>> often can't cover the entire space with a single design. This is why
>> we offer multiple pointer types, closures vs procs, and so forth.
> Rust is already a large language, and the interactions between many of
> the features are subtle or poorly defined. There's a complexity cost for
> every feature that's added. It gets harder for a single programmer to
> learn the language and makes it less feasible for even an experienced
> Rust programmer to grasp it all. The compiler will have more bugs, so
> the safety guarantee won't be as strong.
> Variadic generics, optional/keyword parameters, higher-kinded types,
> single inheritance, refinement types, dynamically sized types,
> compile-time function evaluation, generic literals and more are all
> proposed as useful features. I think there's the potential for Rust to
> be a more complex language than C++, if it's not already.
>> In general, I hope that Rust programmers will reach for traits first.
> I think we can expect that programmers will reach for familiar concepts,
> and for many (most?) that will mean using inheritance. It will change
> how code is written in Rust, and will be seen in many third party libraries.
> I never plan on using the feature and I'll certainly avoid libraries
> requiring me to use object inheritance and override methods. Others will
> make heavy use of this feature. When I'm writing C++, I rarely find
> libraries using what I consider to be a sane subset of the language.
> When there isn't a Boost library for it, I just end up using a C library
> and building a C++11 wrapper around it myself. I can definitely see this
> happening to Rust if it picks up controversial features like object
> inheritance.
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