I need some more help.

The impl Iterator<&mut ~Base> for Container declaration generate the error: error: missing lifetime specifier So I had it but I can't manage to return the next value with the specified life time.
The code :
impl<'a> Iterator<&'a mut  ~Base> for Container {
/// Advance the iterator and return the next value. Return `None` when the end is reached.
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a mut ~Base>    {
        if self.iter_counter == self.nodeList.len()   {
        } else  {
            self.iter_counter += 1;
            Some(&'a mut match **self.nodeList.get(self.iter_counter){
                FirstThinkImpl(first) => first as ~Base,
                SecondThinkImpl(second)=> second as ~Base,

Generate these errors :
test_enum.rs:58:18: 61:14 error: borrowed value does not live long enough
test/test_enum.rs:58 Some(&'a mut match **self.nodeList.get(self.iter_counter){ test/test_enum.rs:59 FirstThinkImpl(first) => first as ~Base,
test_enum.rs:60                 SecondThinkImpl(second)=> second as ~Base,
test_enum.rs:61             })
test_enum.rs:53:52: 63:6 note: reference must be valid for the lifetime &'a as defined on the block at 53:51...
test_enum.rs:53     fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a mut ~Base>    {
test_enum.rs:54         if self.iter_counter == self.nodeList.len()   {
test/test_enum.rs:55             None
test_enum.rs:56         } else  {
test_enum.rs:57             self.iter_counter += 1;
test_enum.rs:58 Some(&'a mut match **self.nodeList.get(self.iter_counter){
test_enum.rs:56:17: 62:10 note: ...but borrowed value is only valid for the expression at 56:16
test_enum.rs:56         } else  {
test_enum.rs:57             self.iter_counter += 1;
test_enum.rs:58 Some(&'a mut match **self.nodeList.get(self.iter_counter){
test_enum.rs:59                 FirstThinkImpl(first) => first as ~Base,
test_enum.rs:60                 SecondThinkImpl(second)=> second as ~Base,
test/test_enum.rs:61             })
test_enum.rs:59:17: 59:38 error: cannot move out of dereference of `&`-pointer
test_enum.rs:59                 FirstThinkImpl(first) => first as ~Base,
test_enum.rs:60:17: 60:40 error: cannot move out of dereference of `&`-pointer
test_enum.rs:60                 SecondThinkImpl(second)=> second as ~Base,

Le 05/04/2014 21:59, Rodrigo Rivas a écrit :
On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 10:41 PM, Philippe Delrieu
<philippe.delr...@free.fr> wrote:

I've some problem to find a solution for something I want to do with a
vector of enum. This is an example of what I want to do:

trait Base    {
   fn set_something(&mut self);

struct FirstThink;

impl Base for FirstThink    {
   fn set_something(&mut self)    {}

struct SecondThink;
impl Base for SecondThink    {
   fn set_something(&mut self)    {}

enum BaseImpl    {

fn some_process(list: &mut Vec<&mut ~Base>)    {
     for think in list.mut_iter()   {

struct Container    {
     nodeList: Vec<~BaseImpl>,

impl Container    {
     fn add_FirstThink(&mut self, think: ~FirstThink)    {
     fn add_SecondThink(&mut self, think: ~SecondThink)    {

     fn do_some_process(&mut self, fct: fn(&mut Vec<&mut ~Base>))    {
          I didn't find a simple  way to convert the Vec<~BaseImpl> to a &mut
Vec<&mut ~Base>
          to do the call


I use the enum pattern to have only one collection of object that impl Base
but sometime I have to do specific processing depending if the Base is a
FirstThink or SecondThink (not in the example). I use the match as follow

match think {
                 FirstThinkImpl(first) => do specific first,
                 SecondThinkImpl(second)=> do specific second,

Perhaps there is a better way to do. Any suggestions would  be appreciated.
I think that would be better if the `fct` function take an
`std::iter::Iterator<&mut ~Base>` instead of a `Vec`. Naturally, you
will not be able to modify the vector, only to iterate through it. But
if `fct` is allowed to modify the vector your requirements are
impossible in the first place!

Then you can write a simple adaptor:

impl std::iter::Iterator<&mut ~Base> for Container {
     // left as an exercise to the reader ;-)

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