On Apr 9, 2014, at 9:50 PM, Tommi Tissari <rusty.ga...@icloud.com> wrote:

>> On 10 Apr 2014, at 00:22, Kevin Ballard <ke...@sb.org> wrote:
>> FWIW, my point about range is it relies on One being the number 1, rather 
>> than being the multiplicative identity. AFAIK there's nothing special about 
>> 1 in a ring outside of its status as a multiplicative identity. Certainly 
>> it's not considered some special value for addition.
> Another problem with std::iter::range is that it requires too much from its 
> argument type A by saying A must implement Add<A, A> while it only returns a 
> forward iterator.
> Perhaps, in order to make a more sensible implementation of iter::range, a 
> new concept, a trait, is needed to be able to specify that a certain type T 
> implements a method 'increment' that modifies a variable of type T from value 
> x to value y such that:
> 1) x < y
> 2) there is no valid value z of type T satisfying  x < z < y
> For integral types there would an implementation of this trait in stdlib with 
> 'increment' doing x += 1;
> Then, a natural extension to this trait would be a trait that has a method 
> 'advance(n: uint)' that would, at constant time, conceptually call the 
> 'increment' method n times.
> Then there would also be a 'decrement' method for going the other direction.
> There probably needs to be some other use cases for this new trait to carry 
> its weight though.

This trait would disallow range(0f32, 10f32) because there are quite a lot of 
valid values z of type f32 satisfying 0f32 < z < 1f32.

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