Hello Rustilians!

I'm pleased to announce our next Rust meetup on Thursday May 8 in San
Francisco, which will be another double feature, focused on improving and
automating Rust testing. Along with this meetup, there will also be a Testing
Hackathon <http://www.meetup.com/Rust-Bay-Area/events/168373782/> to be
held on Saturday May 10st.

Our main speaker Thursday night is Professor John
Regehr<http://www.cs.utah.edu/%7Eregehr/>from the University of Utah.
His group is focused on developing new
techniques to mechanically discover errors and missed optimizations. He
will be speaking about how his team has made a testing fuzzer for the C
language, and how we can apply those same techniques to the Rust compiler.

Also speaking will be Andrew Gallant from the east coast, who will present
his QuickCheck <https://github.com/BurntSushi/quickcheck>, Random property
based testing with (hopefully) minimal witnesses.


• 7:00pm - Doors open

• 8:00pm - Plans for the Testing Hackathon

• 8:15pm - John Regehr

• 9:15pm - Andrew Gallant

As always, Mozilla will be graciously providing food and drink.

If you would like to attend, sign up here:

Meetup: http://www.meetup.com/Rust-Bay-Area/events/169434302/

Hackathon: http://www.meetup.com/Rust-Bay-Area/events/168373782/

I hope you can all make it!
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