Alex, you are right. I need to rephrase my question. Consider the following:

pub trait T1 {}

pub trait T2 {}

impl T1 for ~T2 {}

pub struct S;

impl T2 for S {}

fn check_bounds<U: T1>(_: U) {}

fn main() {

    let x = ~S as ~T2:Send;



Should check_bounds fail? It currently compiles, but according to, trait matching should be
invariant. If that's true, ~T2 and ~T2:Send would be different so here we
only have a T1 implementation for ~T2, not ~T2:Send, an error.

Then task::try(...).unwrap() should fail, too, if my interpretation is

On Fri, Apr 18, 2014 at 12:10 AM, Alex Crichton <> wrote:

> The ~Any type has a special implementation of Show:
> I believe it was primarily used in failure messages originally (you
> can fail a task with ~Any)
> On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 8:55 AM, Edward Wang <>
> wrote:
> > It current can compile, but judging from signatures:
> >
> > std::task::try is pub fn try<T: Send>(f: proc(): Send -> T) -> Result<T,
> > ~Any:Send>
> > std::result::unwrap on the other hand is impl<T, E: Show> Result<T, E> {
> fn
> > unwrap(self) -> T {...} }
> >
> > There's no way the error part of result from task::try(...) can fulfil
> Show
> > so it shouldn't compile.
> >
> > Though to ask the list first before filing a bug report.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Edward
> >
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