Hi Patrick, 

Thanks for your answer! See comments below. 

On 2014-05-23 06:12, Patrick Walton wrote: 

> You can use "extern "Rust" fn" (or ||:'static) to achieve something like 
> C++03 member function pointers without the lifetimes.

Do I understand correctly that by "extern "Rust" fn" you mean taking the
pointer to the global function? If yes, then I'm definitely aware of the
possibility to do that, but it is not helpful in the context of signals
/ slots. Please see my Reddit comment for more detailed explanation:

RE: (||:'static) - as you can see in my initial post, this is what I
ended up using - only without the explicit 'static annotation, but with
the same restriction of not having any captured state. 

I agree that from what I've seen so far, ||:'static seems to be the
closest thing to member function pointers - but I'd argue it's still not
the full replacement as it's more verbose - that is, requires explicitly
passing the state + declaring & forwarding all function arguments, e.g.
instead of "slot(&obj, &Class::method)" it's "slot(&obj, |obj, arg1,
arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7| { obj.method(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4,
arg5, arg6, arg7) })". 

And yes, there are signals with up to 7 arguments in Qt5 ;-) 

> I am opposed to function overloading and default parameters. I do not see it 
> as a burden to define meaningful unique function names. On the contrary, this 
> helps greppability in large codebases.

Yes, I do realize there are quite strong opinions regarding function
overloading and default parameters within Rust development community. I
hold strong opinions on this subject too, and these happen to be the
opposite ones to what you have - which is the perfect background to
start flame war, which I have zero interest in ;-) 

Therefore, I suggest we move from the question "are function overloading
and default parameters good or bad?" to the question "Lots of existing
C++ libraries use function overloading and default parameters. How Rust
should deal with wrapping these?" 

I believe the answer to this question is important because with all the
optimism around Rust adoption, I doubt all existing C++ libraries that
were developed over the last decades (Qt including) will be magically
re-implemented in Rust within the next year or two. 

So far I can imagine several possible answers: 

        * "We don't care, your legacy C++ libraries are bad and you should feel
bad!" - I think this stance would be bad for Rust and would hinder its
adoption, but if that's the ultimate answer - I'd personally prefer it
said loud and clear, so that at least nobody has any illusions.

        * "Define & maintain the mapping between C++ and Rust function names"
(I assume this is what you're alluding to with "define meaningful unique
function names" above?) While this might be possible for smaller
libraries, this is out of the question for large libraries like Qt5 - at
least I won't create and maintain this mapping for sure, and I doubt
others will: just looking at the stats from 3 Qt5 libraries (QtCore,
QtGui and QtWidgets) out of ~30 Qt libraries in total, from the 50745
wrapped methods 9601 were overloads and required renaming.

Besides that, this has a disadvantage of throwing away majority of the
experience people have with particular library and forcing them to
le-learn its API.

On top of that, not for every overload it's easy to come up with short,
meaningful, memorable and distinctive names - you can try that exercise
for http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qpainter.html#fillRect ;-)

        * "Come up with some way to allow overloading / default parameters" -
possibly with reduced feature set, i.e. if type inference is difficult
in the presence of overloads, as suggested in some overloads discussions
(although not unsolvable, as proven by other languages that allow both
type inference & overloading?), possibly exclude overloads from the type
inference by annotating overloaded methods with special attributes?

        * Possibly some other options I'm missing?

Good luck! Alexander
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