On 27/05/2014 18:27, Tommi wrote:
What is the meaning of this 'box ref foo' syntax found in the tutorial over at 

(Sorry for uglifying the link, my posts seem to get flagged as spam if they 
contain links)

In short, it's:

enum Shape { Sphere(Box<f32>) }

let shape = Sphere(box 1.0f32);
let r = match shape {
    Sphere(box ref radius) => *radius

I thought the 'box' keyword meant: "allocate on heap and wrap into a
Box". That doesn't make sense to me in the context of 'box ref

That’s what it means in an expression, but the arms of a 'match' statement start with patterns, not expressions. In a pattern, the 'box' keyword means deconstruct a Box<T> type to access the T inside. The 'ref' keyword (which can be used without 'box') means to take a &T reference rather than move the value.

Simon Sapin
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