Gabor (cc’ing rust-dev)-

I have filed an issue to track incorporating the answers to these questions 
into the RFC process documentation.

Here is some of my opinionated answers to the questions:

1. When an RFC PR is merged as accepted into the repository, then that implies 
that we should implement it (or accept a community provided implementation) 
whenever we feel it best.  This could be a matter of scratching an itch, or it 
could be to satisfy a 1.0 requirement; so there is no hard and fast rule about 
when the implementation for an RFC will actually land.

2. An RFC closed with “postponed” is being marked as such because we do not 
want to think about the proposal further until post-1.0, and we believe that we 
can afford to wait until then to do so.  “Evaluate” is a funny word; usually 
something marked as “postponed” has already passed an informal first round of 
evaluation, namely the round of “do we think we would ever possibly consider 
making this change, as outlined here or some semi-obvious variation of it.”  
(When the answer to that question is “no”, then the appropriate response is to 
close the RFC, not postpone it.)

3. We strive to write each RFC in a manner that it will reflect the final 
design of the feature; but the nature of the process means that we cannot 
expect every merged RFC to actually reflect what the end result will be when 
1.0 is released.  The intention, I believe, is to try to keep each RFC document 
somewhat in sync with the language feature as planned.  But just because an RFC 
has been accepted does not mean that the design of the feature is set in stone; 
one can file pull-requests to change an RFC if there is some change to the 
feature that we want to make, or need to make, (or have already made, and are 
going to keep in place).

4. If an RFC is accepted, the RFC author is of course free to submit an 
implementation, but it is not a requirement that an RFC author drive the 
implementation of the change.  Each time an RFC PR is accepted and merged into 
the repository, a corresponding tracking issue is supposed to be opened up on 
the rust repository.  A large point of the RFC process is to help guide 
community members in selecting subtasks to work on that where each member can 
be reasonably confident that their efforts will not be totally misguided.  So, 
it would probably be best if anyone who plans to work on implementing a feature 
actually write a comment *saying* that they are planning such implementation on 
the tracking issue on the rust github repository.  Having said that, I do not 
think we have been strictly following the latter process; I think currently you 
would need to also review the meeting notes to determine if someone might have 
already claimed responsibility for implementation.

5. The choice of which RFC’s get reviewed is somewhat ad-hoc at the moment.  We 
do try to post each agenda topic ahead of time in a bulleted list at the top of 
the shared etherpad ( ) , and 
RFC’s are no different in this respect.  But in terms of how they are selected, 
I think it is largely driven by an informal estimate of whether the comment 
thread has reached a steady state (i.e. either died out or not showing any sign 
of providing further insight or improvement feedback to the RFC itself).  Other 
than that, we basically try to make sure that any RFC that we accept is 
accepted at the Tuesday meeting, so that there is a formal record of discussion 
regarding acceptance.  So we do not accept RFC’s at the Thursday meeting.  We 
may reject RFC’s at either meeting; in other words, the only RFC activity on 
Thursdays is closing the ones that have reached a steady state and that the 
team agrees we will not be adopting.

I want to call special attention to the question of "What if the author of the 
reviewed RFC isn't a participant in the meetings?”  This is an important issue, 
since one might worry that the viewpoint of the author will not be represented 
at the meeting itself.  In general, we try to only review RFC’s that at least a 
few people have taken the time to read the corresponding discussion thread and 
are prepared to represent the viewpoints presented there.  

Ideally at least one meeting participant would act as a champion for the 
feature (and hopefully also have read the discussion thread).  Such a person 
need not *personally* desire the feature; they just need to act to represent 
its virtues and the community’s desire for it.  (I think of it like a criminal 
defense attorney; they may not approve of their client’s actions, but they want 
to ensure their client gets proper legal representation.)

But I did have the qualifier “Ideally” there, since our current process does 
not guarantee that such a champion exists.  If no champion exists, it is either 
because not enough people have read the RFC (and thus we usually try to 
postpone making a decision for a later meeting), or because no one present is 
willing to champion it (in which case it seems like the best option is to close 
the RFC, though I am open to hearing alternative actions for this scenario).


Did the above help answer your questions?  Let me know if I missed the point of 
one or more of your questions.


On 16 Jun 2014, at 14:44, Gábor Lehel <> wrote:

> Hi!
> There's a few things about the RFC process and the "meaning" of RFCs which 
> aren't totally clear to me, and which I'd like to request some clarification 
> about.
> 1) Which of the following does submitting an RFC imply?
> 1a) We should implement this right away.
> 1b) We should implement this before 1.0.
> 1c) We should implement this whenever we feel like it.
> 2) Some RFC PRs get closed and tagged with the "postponed" label. Does this 
> mean:
> 2a) It's too early to implement this proposal, or
> 2b) it's too early to *evaluate* this proposal?
> 3) Are the designs outlined by RFCs supposed to be "incremental" or "final"? 
> I.e.,
> 3a) First of all we should make this change, without implying anything about 
> what happens after that; or
> 3b) This is how it should look in the final version of the language?
> 4) If someone submits an RFC, does she imply that "I am planning to implement 
> this", or, if an RFC is accepted, does that mean "anyone who wants to can 
> feel free to implement this"?
> 5) The reviewing process is somewhat opaque to me. 
> 5a) What determines which RFCs get reviewed in a given weekly meeting? 
> 5b) As an observer, how can I tell which RFCs are considered to be in a 
> ready-for-review or will-be-reviewed-next state? 
> 5c) What if the author of the reviewed RFC isn't a participant in the 
> meetings?
> 5d) (I might also ask "what determines which RFC PRs get attention from the 
> team?", but obviously the answer is "whatever they find interesting".)
> I think that's all... Thanks!
> Gábor
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