On 23/06/14 05:08 PM, Tony Arcieri wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 1:32 PM, Daniel Micay <danielmi...@gmail.com
> <mailto:danielmi...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     It would be an enormous mistake to ship a language with region typing /
>     move semantics and worse before than Java.
> You keep saying that, but if the argument is to use Swift's approach, i.e.:
> Non-overflow operators: + - * / %
> Overflow operators: &+ &- &* &/ &%
> Or let's swap Swift's defaults if you so desire:
> Overflow operators: + - * / %
> Non-overflow operators: &+ &- &* &/ &%
> Or even change the syntax if you so desire:
> Overflow operators: + - * / %
> Non-Overflow operators: +~ -~ *~ /~ %~
> ...then any arguments about performance are really a false dichotomy.
> It's just a question of syntax and defaults. Want to perform well at
> TIOBE or other (micro)benchmarks? Use the overflow operators! Want to
> write safe code? Use the checked overflow operators. I really think Rust
> should support both approaches, be it implemented through a type or
> operator or what have you. I'm not here to bikeshed that. I just want to
> make sure both approaches have a first class position in the language,
> and would generally prefer but don't insist upon checked overflow being
> the default.
> If the Rust developers insist on choosing overflow operators as the One
> True Way To Do Math, well, that's your prerogative. I will probably
> still choose Rust over Swift. But then I feel like Rust might be missing
> out on the free lunch I expect Swift to provide, which is sad if that's
> the way the cookie crumbles...

Rust is a performance-centric systems language, Swift is not. The
language chooses performance above other considerations like complexity
(move semantics, lifetimes, large APIs) and correctness elsewhere. It
has memory safety in safe code as a hard requirement, but anything else
is missing the point of the language.

An opt-in lint works well for catching accidental usage of the unchecked
operators, but it doesn't work well for catching accidental usage of the
checked ones. The one with the normal math syntax is the 'default' and
is the one that people are going to use when not specifically thinking
about it.

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