> On Jun 23, 2014, at 7:16 PM, John Regehr <reg...@cs.utah.edu> wrote:
>> I do think Rust should exposed either `checked { }` or operators for
>> checked arithmetic along with an opt-in lint to deny the unchecked
>> operators. You can opt-out of a lint for a function/impl/module after
>> opting into it at a higher scope.
>> I'm just making it clear that doing this by default would make Rust
>> slower than Java by default, and I think that would kill off interest in
>> the language. I know I wouldn't be interested anymore.
> Sure, I think there are a lot of reasonable options here, and I agree that 
> speed and predictability are super important for Rust.
> One thing I personally think is very important (not for 1.0, but eventually) 
> is to make it possible -- no need for this to be mandatory -- to get overflow 
> checking for the default integer type.  I'm happy to use a special compiler 
> flag or whatever to get this.  The only controversial thing this requires 
> from the core language is a way for me to tell the compiler which integers (a 
> tiny subset, typically) should have wrapping behavior.

If the compiler option to have integer overflow checking were available, I'm 
99% sure that we'd require having it enabled for Servo and all of its 
dependencies. We would probably only relax that requirement within the 
equivalent of an `unsafe` block where the performance had shown up as an issue, 
leaving it clearly labeled so that we could easily identify any code that 
touches it.

> I realize that safe integers are available and that operator overloading goes 
> a lot ways towards making these palatable, but the fact is that everyone is 
> an optimist when it comes to integer overflow bugs.  People just do not think 
> they're going to get bitten.

At a quick glance, in Mozilla's bugzilla there were 88 public browser bugs 
resolved/verified related to integer overflow issues + 14 currently under 
investigation. I don't have access to the tippy-top secret databases of 
security vulnerabilities, but I'd be pretty shocked if there weren't a few that 
would get past Rust's memory safety model (e.g., because they're passed down to 
WebCL, WebRTC libraries, a graphics driver, etc.). A quick glance at the WebKit 
bugzilla showed 11 similarly resolved bugs and a couple currently under 

While that isn't a lot, if I have to choose between the Servo team spending 
time casually optimizing corner cases or adding an LLVM pass (in ways we 
already know - this isn't "A Sufficiently Smart Compiler"-level hackery here) 
vs. handling panicked high-priority security issues in a browser we are trying 
to claim is "safe," I'll pick the former every time.
- Lars

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