This is pretty awesome. I notice that doesn’t link to the 
GitHub repo though. Seems like that might be a useful thing to add.


> On Jun 23, 2014, at 10:50 PM, Yehuda Katz <> wrote:
> Folks,
> I'm happy to announce that Cargo is now ready to try out!
> The Cargo repository is now at and you can 
> learn all about it at Don't forget to check out the FAQ at 
> You can build Cargo from master using the latest `rustc` and running `make 
> install`. It assumes a `rustc` and `git` on the path, so you won't need to 
> recompile Cargo every time you update the nightly.
> Cargo is still under heavy development and features are coming quickly. At 
> the moment, all dependencies are downloaded from Github, but we are working 
> on a Cargo registry that you will be able to publish packages to. There are 
> more details about that in the FAQ.
> The next features we're planning on working on are:
> `cargo package <name>` to create a new package skeleton
> Supporting refs other than `master` from git packages
> Support for environments (such as development, production and test) as well 
> as a `cargo test` command. This includes per-environment dependencies.
> Support for per-platform configuration.
> More deterministic builds using a shrinkwrap file (like the bundler 
> Gemfile.lock or shrinkwrap.json in npm).
> Since people have asked often, we plan to transparently support duplicates of 
> the same package name and version in the following conditions:
> From different git repositories or different branches of the same git 
> repository
> In versions less than 1.0 for packages from the Cargo registry
> For different major versions for packages from the Cargo registry
> By default, we will encourage package authors to comply with semantic 
> versioning and not introduce breaking changes in minor versions by using the 
> single highest available minor version for each depended-on major version of 
> a package from the Cargo registry.
> For example, if I have three packages:
> uno depends on json 1.3.6
> dos depends on json 1.4.12
> tres depends on json 2.1.0
> Cargo will use json 1.4.12 for uno and dos, and json 2.1.0 for tres. This 
> makes good use of Rust's symbol mangling support, while also avoiding 
> unnecessary code bloat.
> This will tend to produce significantly smaller binary sizes than encouraging 
> libraries to depend on precise versions of published packages. We tried to 
> strike a good balance between isolating unstable code and avoiding binary 
> bloat in stable libraries. As the ecosystem grows, we'll watch carefully and 
> see if any tweaks are necessary.
> Yehuda Katz
> (ph) 718.877.1325
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