Doing this is a goal, but we're going to need a complete strategy - let's please not start doing this too hastily. Maintaining crates out of tree is not easy, and we need to have the systems in place that will let us succeed (particularly around integration). acrichto will need to be involved because he's the most familiar with all the systems this will touch.

On 07/21/2014 02:28 PM, Ilya Dmitrichenko wrote:
It would be great to discuss which libraries can be removed from the
main tree, I can see that there had been some progress with liburl
[1], but there appear to be a few other very dubious libraries that
can easily leave outside of the main tree.

The ones I was able to spot so far, would be:

- libfourcc
- libsemver

The main question would be where would these live on github? Should it
be under the main (``) organisation or actually we
could consider creating ``?



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