Sorry for the incomplete mail.

What I wanted is,
get_value(MyStr("Rust".to_str())) returns String,
get_value(MyBool(true)) returns bool and,
get_value(MyInt(100)) returns int

I was trying to store generic value in hashmap, as in the example below,

use std::collections::hashmap::HashMap;

enum MyTypes{

fn main(){
    let mut settings:HashMap<String, MyTypes> = HashMap::new();

    settings.insert("port".to_str(), MyInt(8000));
    settings.insert("name".to_str(), MyStr("Rust".to_str()));
    settings.insert("enabled".to_str(), MyBool(true));

    println!("{}", settings);

So to get the value out of hashmap, I need a generic function which checks
the respective type and returns value. Some thing like

fn get_value(settings:HashMap<String, MyTypes>, key: &'static str) -> T{
    match settings.get(&key) {
        MyBool(x) => x,
        MyStr(x) => x,
        MyInt(x) => x

But I don't know how to make this work.


On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 4:55 PM, Felix S. Klock II <>

> Aravinda (cc’ing rust-dev)-
> You didn’t show us exactly what you had tried to do to get your code to
> work, nor did you really describe what it is you want here.
> E.g. you seem to want `get_value(MyBool(true))` to return a boolean, but
> since `MyBool` belongs to the `MyTypes` enum, that implies that `get_value`
> when applied to any variant of `MyTypes` (including `MyInt` or `MyStr`)
> should also return a boolean … does that seem right to you?
> In any case, I suspect the missing piece of the puzzle for you is that you
> need to write an `impl` for the type in question.  I.e. something along the
> lines of:
> impl MyTypes {
>     fn render(&self) -> String {
>         match *self {
>             MyBool(x) => format!("{:b}", x),
>             MyStr(ref x) => x.clone(),
>             MyInt(x) => format!("{:d}", x),
>         }
>     }
> }
> (except revised from an Impl for the type to being an impl of some trait
> for the type).
> Here is a link to a playpen with your code, and with a couple of example
> `impl`s for enums (like the one above) tossed in, including an impl of one
> instance of your `Value<S>` trait.
> There is more discussion of writing implementations that also provides an
> example with a simpler enum) in the Rust tutorial, see:
> Cheers,
> -Felix
> On 22 Jul 2014, at 11:45, Aravinda VK <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am trying to create a generic function to return value depending on
> the enum passed. But I don't know to create a generic trait for enum.
> >
> > In following example, print_value works but I don't know how I can write
> a generic get_value function to get value from enum.
> >
> > #[deriving(Show)]
> > enum MyTypes{
> >     MyBool(bool),
> >     MyStr(String),
> >     MyInt(int)
> > }
> >
> > fn print_value(arg: MyTypes){
> >     match arg{
> >         MyBool(x) => println!("Bool: {}", x),
> >         MyStr(x) => println!("String: {}", x),
> >         MyInt(x) => println!("Int: {}", x),
> >     }
> > }
> >
> >
> > fn main(){
> >     print_value(MyBool(true));
> >
> >     // Following lines not working, how to write get_value func?
> >     // let a: bool = get_value(MyBool(true));
> >     // println!("{}", a);
> > }
> >
> >
> > In case of struct it is simple,
> >
> > struct MyInt {
> >     value: int
> > }
> >
> > struct MyBool{
> >     value: bool
> > }
> >
> > trait Value<S>{
> >     fn get(&self) -> S;
> > }
> >
> > impl Value<int> for MyInt{
> >     fn get(&self) -> int{
> >         self.value
> >     }
> > }
> >
> > impl Value<bool> for MyBool{
> >     fn get(&self) -> bool{
> >         self.value
> >     }
> > }
> >
> > fn get_value<S, T: Value<S>>(arg: T) -> S{
> >     arg.get()
> > }
> >
> > fn main(){
> >     let a: bool = get_value(MyBool{value: true});
> >     println!("{}", a);
> >
> >     let b: int = get_value(MyInt{value: 100});
> >     println!("{}", b);
> > }
> >
> > Please help in writing generic function for enum.
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Regards
> > Aravinda | ಅರವಿಂದ
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Rust-dev mailing list
> >
> >

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