On 01/08/14 00:08, Daniel Fath wrote:
Is rust-url compatible with rust-uri? And if not are there any plans to
support URI specification with it?

Is there a project called rust-uri? I can’t find it.

rust-url supports URIs because they’re really the same thing as URLs. It implements the URL standard, which uses the term for both:

http://url.spec.whatwg.org/#goals :
* Standardize on the term URL. URI and IRI are just confusing. In
practice a single algorithm is used for both so keeping them distinct
is not helping anyone.

For example:

extern crate url;
use url::Url;

let isbn_url = Url::parse("urn:isbn:0-486-27557-4#chapter6").unwrap();
assert(isbn_url.scheme == "urn".to_sting());
       == Some("isbn:0-486-27557-4"));
assert(isbn_url.query == None);
assert(isbn_url.fragment == Some("chapter6".to_sting()));

The only interesting thing here is that "urn" is a "non-relative" scheme: Other than the scheme, query string, and fragment identifier, URLs in that scheme (as in data, mailto, and others) only have a "scheme data" string.

For URLs in a "relative" scheme like http, instead of a single string the scheme data is a username, password, host, port number, and path. (Some of which are optional or can be empty.)

Simon Sapin
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