You can use a Vec> for this.—
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On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 1:14 AM, Manish Goregaokar <>

> Iterator invalidation is a common memory safety issue where you have two
> references being simultaneously used -- one mutable, one immutable. With
> multiple mutable references worse errors can happen.
> -Manish Goregaokar
> On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 1:09 PM, silvio <> wrote:
>> Hi Rust,
>> I've recently tried to investigate rust's claim of being fast and had a
>> look at debian shootout.
>> A particular program I took a looked at is the n-body problem in which
>> you have to loop over pairs of bodies to calculate their gravitational
>> attraction. What struck me as strange was the number of indexing
>> operations.
>> bodies[i]
>> bodies[j]
>> bodies[i]
>> bodies[j]
>> ...
>> Now I don't know if the compiler is smart enough to optimize this away.
>> However, it seems generally impossible to make references.
>> let mut body_i = bodies.someMethod(i)
>> let mut body_j = bodies.someMethod(j)
>> So how is this usually done?
>> Why are multiple mutable references to the same object not allowed. To
>> achieve safe memory you only need to guarantee that different threads
>> don't write/read from/to the same memory location at the same time and
>> that is handled via ownership. (borrowed) references & don't have
>> ownership. Additionally, you need to ensure that all references not only
>> mut are not usable anymore until you can transfer ownership. So, I don't
>> understand why mut and not mut are treated differently.
>> An other small thing. I read that you should always return a type directly.
>> fn foo(args) -> big_struct
>> Does this mean that all return values are secretly pointers passed to
>> the function except for things that fit into registers?
>> regards
>> silvio
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