Dear all,

I am a member of OCaml's developement team. More specifically, I am
working on a test-driver for the OCaml compiler, which will be part of
OCaml's 4.06 release.

I am currently writing an article to describe the tool and its
principles. In this article, I would like to also talk about how other
compilers' testsuites are driven and loking how things are done in Rust
seemed natural to me.

In OCaml, our testsuite essentially consist in whole programs that
we compile and run, checking that the compilation and execution results
match the expected ones.

I tried to understand how tests are run for the Rust compiler but was
not able to get an overall picture. It seems there are special comments
to declare expected errors, for instance, but how do you deal, for
instance, with conditional tests that should be executed only on one

Any comment / hint on this aspect of the test harness' design would be
really helpful.

Many thanks in advance,


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