
I am using urxvt (9.22-6) on Debian testing and have a weird problem with 

I have this in my tmux.conf:

bind-key -n C-M-Right next-window
bind-key -n C-M-Left previous-window

These keybindings work when I am using xterm or gnome-terminal but they don't 
work with urxvt when I set TERM to "rxvt-unicode-256color".

If I set TERM to something else ("screen-256color", say) they also work in 
urxvt, but (for some reason I cannot remember at the moment) I wanted to use 
"rxvt-unicode-256color" for TERM, and that unfortunately breaks my keybindings.

So is there anything I could do to make these keybindigs work even when using 
the above TERM-setting and could someone explain to me what is going on (i.e. 
why my keybindings break for a specific TERM-setting)?

Many thanks!

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