
So I have recently transitioned over to using urxvt{d,c} because individual
terminals were eating up too much memory (I have a good amount of terminals

All's well and good, but at around ~30 no more would open, giving me the error
message: `can't fork, aborting`.

Now, this error message is telling me the problem, but doesn't give me much to
go by in my investigations.

After a quick recompile with including the errno returning from the `fork()`,
turns out too much memory is being allocated.

At some point in the past I've set my `*Rxvt.saveLines: 1000000`, which is a
lot of zeros and ended up allocating a gigabyte of virtual memory per urxvtc
window opened.

Now, I won't ever need to save `1000000` lines of my history to go back to, but
that's just what I chose as an amount that was basically "more than I would
ever need". I definitely don't expect every single window to go back that far,
as most of my windows are quick 10-20 lines of scrollback buffer before I close

My question: What's a better way to do this? Initially working with
`saveLines`, I tried `*Rxvt.saveLines: 0` & `*Rxvt.saveLines: -1` to see if
there were any options for "infinite scrollback", but those unfortunately
didn't work. 

It doesn't look like rxvt is dynamically allocating for the scrollback buffer
either, just allocating the max.

Is there functionality for dynamically infinite scrollback buffer? Is there
interest? Would you accept a contribution towards that?


Marco Sirabella

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