Does it happen if you download and compile latest urxvt from source?

Debian has an altered version. I just took a quick look through their
changes and nothing obvious stood out as causing this, but they're not
running the original code. Need to rule out their changes first.

// Jesper

On Sat, Dec 25, 2021 at 6:55 PM Marco <> wrote:
> On Sat, 25 Dec 2021 17:37:44 +0100
> Marc Lehmann <> wrote:
> Thank you for the quick reply. Much appreciated.
> > I don't think this is an issue that cna be fixed in urxvt - you might
> > be able to work around it by remapping keys in urxvt, but that's
> > hardly a fix.
> Ok, if I can't find any solution I might come back to that.
> > > I don't think mc has anything to do with this, it just happens to be
> > > the only console program that I use requiring shift-Fn keys.
> >
> > No, it's almost certainly tmux or your configuration of it (such as
> > wrong TERMINFO), as urxvt generates the correct sequences and mc has
> > no trouble understanding them.
> I have no idea. The tmux configuration is the same, regardless of
> which terminal emulator I use.
> > According to your experiments, you
> > only have issues when tmux filters the key sequences.
> Indeed. However, it works with tmux + gnome-terminal, xterm and bare
> console (no X), but fails with tmux + rxvt-unicode. Since the issue
> doesn't show with any other terminal emulator except rxvt-unicode, I
> suspected an issue with rxvt-unicode (or my configuration thereof).
> > It coulpd be that mc somehow misinterprets the sequences depending on
> > the TERM setting, but that is unlikely.
> TERM is the same, regardless of which terminal emulator I use
> (screen-256color).
> > It's certain that urxvt does not generate the wrong key sequences just
> > because you run tmux (urxvt does not know what runs inside the
> > terminal).
> That would not make sense, yes. But I'm at a loss here and the issue
> only manifests in rxvt-unicode, so I figured I better ask on this
> list.
> > So unless some person knowledgable with tmux here can help you, you
> > would have to report this to a more appropriate place, such as tmux,
> > as I can't see how this has something to do with urxvt.
> If you believe it's a tmux issue, I'll approach the tmux mailing
> list then.
> > If you wanted to experiment further, it might be worth looking into
> > TERM settings for both tmux and mc (are they really correct, are they
> > really installed?)
> I ran
>   echo $TERM
> from within tmux and it reports: screen-256color. I don't know what
> else to check.
> > > The issue is easily reproduced on a vanilla (e.g. Debian Live) VM. I
> > > can provide exact steps, if required.
> >
> > Last not least, I just tried this on my debian install, and mc detects
> > f-keys normally inside urxvt, with and without tmux, hinting at your
> > configuration probably being at fault.
> I can't confirm this. I can reproduce this in a vanilla Debian Live
> VM. Here are the exact steps to reproduce:
> - boot live iso
> - open terminal (gnome-terminal)
> - sudo apt install -y rxvt-unicode tmux mc
> - mkdir foo; cd foo; touch bar
> - tmux
> - mc
> - <arrow-down> → so cursor is on file “bar”
> - <shift>-<F5>
> → result: copy dialogue opens (= works as desired in gnome-terminal)
> - exit (mc)
> - exit (tmux)
> - xterm
> - tmux
> - mc
> - <arrow-down> → so cursor is on file “bar”
> - <shift>-<F5>
> → result: copy dialogue opens (= works as desired in xterm)
> - exit (mc)
> - exit (tmux)
> - exit (xterm)
> - rxvt-unicode
> - tmux
> - mc
> - <arrow-down> → so cursor is on file “bar”
> - <shift>-<F5>
> → result: editor opens (which is usually F3, rather than F5)
> - exit (mc)
> - exit (tmux)
> - exit (rxvt-unicode)
> Marco
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