Hi Iwamoto-San,

On 2016年12月15日 14:31, IWAMOTO Toshihiro wrote:
> At Wed, 14 Dec 2016 16:26:48 +0900,
> Iwase Yusuke wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On 2016年12月14日 15:28, FUJITA Tomonori wrote:
>>> On Mon, 12 Dec 2016 12:57:02 -0500
>>> "Victor J. Orlikowski" <v...@duke.edu> wrote:
>>>> On Mon, Dec 12, 2016, at 11:21 AM, IWAMOTO Toshihiro wrote:
>>>>> For maintaining API compatibility, having one or two release cycles of
>>>>> deprecation period, which raises warning messages if deprecated APIs
>>>>> are used, will help users.  OTOH, deprecation cycles slow down
>>>>> depelopment and I am not aware of which policy ryu should take.
>>>> Agreed, given that I have run afoul of this before.
>>>> I think Fujita-San should give some guidance here, but, in my
>>>> opinion, APIs that are deprecated should probably be maintained for
>>>> *up to* 2-3 release cycles, based on degree of user impact.
>>> Thanks for the comments, guys.
>>> Seems that the project reached the stage where the developers can't
>>> break the APIs for fun. ;)
>>> As you guys suggested, having deprecation period sounds
>>> reasonable. Let's experiment 3 release cycles of deprecation period.
>>> I guess that we could have some exceptions like deleting an API that
>>> was added by mistake. Let's see how this would work.
>> Just an idea...
>> for users warning, how about implementing "@deprecated" decorator
>> as following?
>> File: ryu/utils.py
>> def deprecated(func):
>>     """
>>     Decorator for marking function as deprecated.
>>     The decorated function should be removed in 2-3 release cycles.
>>     """
>>     @functools.wraps(func)
>>     def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
>>         LOG.warning("Called deprecated function: %s\n"
>>                     "This function will be remove in 2-3 release cycles.",
>>                     func.__name__)
>>         return func(*args, **kwargs)
>>     return wrapper
>> Usage:
>>>>> from ryu.utils import deprecated
>>>>> @deprecated
>> ... def func(a, b):
>> ...     print(a+b)
>> ...     
>>>>> func(1, 2)
>> 3
>> Called deprecated function: func
>> This function will be remove in 2-3 release cycles.
> This should be ok if you are actually deprecating a function.
> Or, OpenStack has some decorator for semantics changes within a
> function.
> http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/debtcollector/tree/debtcollector/updating.py
> Another option: for example, in this case, you could have kept the
> neighbor_add method and added neighbor_add_v2, but that's ugly.
> Something similar to the above listed would probably do, but it seems
> we need to devise deprecation method/procedure when a such problem
> arises in future.

Thank you for advice.

Then, it means that we need to implement appropriate warnings for its
purpose (deprecating, changing, renaming, ...).


> --
> IWAMOTO Toshihiro
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