I'm not completely sure what you want to do. Do you want output like this?

type:            PACKET_IN
xid:             0x00000000
version:         0x04
  buffer_id:       NO_BUFFER
  total_len:       0x0052
  in_port:         0x00000002
  in_phy_port:     0x00000002
  metadata:        0x0000000000000000
  reason:          APPLY_ACTION
  table_id:        0x00
  cookie:          0x0000000000000000
    - field:           IN_PORT
      value:           0x00000002
    - field:           ETH_DST
      value:           '00:00:00:00:00:01'
    - field:           ETH_SRC
      value:           '00:00:00:00:00:02'
    - field:           ETH_TYPE
      value:           0x0800
    - field:           IP_DSCP
      value:           0x04
    - field:           IP_ECN
      value:           0x00
    - field:           IP_PROTO
      value:           0x06
    - field:           IPV4_SRC
    - field:           IPV4_DST
    - field:           NX_IP_TTL
      value:           0x40
    - field:           TCP_SRC
      value:           0xB8FD
    - field:           TCP_DST
      value:           0x0050
    - field:           NX_TCP_FLAGS
      value:           0x0018
    - field:           X_PKT_POS
      value:           0x0036

You can use the oftr tool to do this. It converts OpenFlow message to YAML
(or JSON) and back again. Easiest way to install is from launchpad:

The github repository is https://github.com/byllyfish/oftr

I translated your example to YAML below, then ran `oftr encode
packet_in.yml | oftr decode --pkt-decode` to get the above output.

Contents of packet_in.yml:

version: 0x4
xid: 0x0
    in_port: 2
    in_phy_port: 2
    buffer_id: 4294967295
    metadata: 0
    cookie: 0
    reason: 1
    table_id: 0
    total_len: 82


On Sat, Apr 8, 2017 at 7:32 PM, Jibran Ahmed <ahme...@husky.neu.edu> wrote:
> Hi RYU-DEV team,
> I would like to decode the following message without using the commands
in the RYU Controller. I am failing to do so and was wondering if there was
any lib or script available to do the translation for us. Here the message
is being transferred to a higher layer application and will do the
processing based on message contents. I would ultimately like to have this
message in plain text.
> The message example:
> version: 0x4 msg_type 0xa xid 0x0
/ HTTP/1.0\r\n',match=OFPMatch(oxm_fields={'in_port':
> I would NOT like to use the following in the controller:
> self.pcap_writer = pcaplib.Writer(open('mypcap.pcap', 'wb'))
> self.pcap_writer.write_pkt(ev.msg.data)
> When I use this library (pcaplib) in my python script in the application
server, I am failing to decode it appropriately,
> Could you advice! Thanks in advance!
> Regards,
> Jibran Ahmed
> Northeastern University, Boston MA
> Telecommunications Department
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