Ralph Corderoy wrote in <20181211232526.98e5e21...@orac.inputplus.co.uk>:
 |> Then problem on my side, i should add an MX entry for
 |> lists.sdaoden.eu which points to lists.sdaoden.eu not sdaoden.eu.
 |> My knowledge of DNS is a bit rusty.
 |Mine too.
 |    $ dig +nocomment lists.sdaoden.eu. mx
 |    ...
 |    lists.sdaoden.eu.       14312   IN      CNAME   sdaoden.eu.
 |    sdaoden.eu.             14312   IN      MX      10 sdaoden.eu.
 |    sdaoden.eu.             14312   IN      A
 |If not MX for foo.com exists then foo.com's port 25 is contacted
 |directly, so an MX for foo.com defined as foo.com seems unnecessary.
 |If lists.sdaoden.eu should remain as is and not be translated to
 |sdaoden.eu then I'd suggest making it a A record for the same IP

I have removed the mail-exchanger entry from the VM hosters web
interface, ISP suite, whatever i thought looking at those forms.
Thanks for the suggestion!

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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