Steffen Nurpmeso <> wrote:

> Hello Predrag.

Hi Steffen,

Thanks for your swift reply

> Without v15-compat set??  Really?  Maybe i will try this out
> tomorrow to find out about it, then.

v15-compat was commented out long time ago as IMAP was not working with

> I would strongly urge you to do
>   set v15-compat=yes


>  |account gmail {
>  |        set folder=imaps://
>  |        set imap-use-starttls
> Unused if all you use is imaps://.
>   set user=ppunosevac \
>     folder=imaps://
>  |        set"Secret"
>   set password="Secret"

Ok working of minimal working example

account gmail {
        set user=ppunosevac folder=imaps://
        set imap-use-starttls
        set password="Secret"
set v15-compat
set tls-verify=strict

I get 

predrag@oko$ nail -A gmail
nail:  nail version v14.9.15.  Type `?' for help
imaps:// 1 message
>O  1 Steffen Nurpmeso   2019-12-29 19:10     /7791  Re: .nailrc and
There are new messages in the error message ring (denoted by ERROR),
nail:   which can be managed with the `errors' command
ERROR# ? errors show
   1/1    There are new messages in the error message ring (denoted by
   2/1     which can be managed with the `errors' command
? errors show
The error ring is empty

Commenting out 
set imap-use-starttls

 made no difference.  I vividly
remember jumping of the nail development train due to your announcement
that v14.9 branch will remove IMAP support. I could have configured
mail/fdm at that point but I didn't. Reading through the documentation I
see that you reinstated support for IMAP due to the users' requests. I
also see that it is the same IMAP code as v14.8.6. However based upon
above little test something is different. set v15-compat no longer
breaks the configuration on OpenBSD but I get that error. Any
suggestions how to troubleshoot the error?

I am running amd64 6.6 patched branch of OpenBSD.    


P.S. If you are planning to remove IMAP support in the future maybe we
should not waist the time with this. I could just start using mail/fdm.
I do have a MWE for smtp part. I could not get nail 14.9.15 to send an
email from gmail account per your instruction and current documentation.
However, I wanted to focus on IMAP for now. Again, configuring OpenSMTPd
daemon to relay email through Gmail is trivial so that is a nuclear
option. That leaves me with MIME as the only useful extension comparing
to original BSD mailx code in the base of OpenBSD.

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