Hello Giannis.

Hm, your address is in "wave-through" -- but now you are
subscribed, and so you got stuck in the queue ...

Giannis-2 wrote in
 |I readed the chapter 9, https://www.sdaoden.eu/code-nail.html#9,
 |so is it  possible to use chromium  instead of lynx/elinks,  to display \
 |HTML messages?
 |I use "set pipe-text/html='?* lynx -stdin -dump -force_html -display_cha\
 |rset=utf-8'" in .mailrc and it works ok with lynx.

You possibly want to consider to move over and use ~/.mailcap
support (section #36), it can be used by other programs, too.

So the answer should be "yes", but on the other hand we do not
support displaying anything in external programs for normal
message display, you need to use the `mimeview' command for that.
The reason is also that we can potentially display an infinite
number of messages at once, and if you say "print *" in a mailbox
with thousands of HTML messages you could end up with problems.

For example my ~/.mailcap has the following for PDF files:

  application/pdf; /Applications/Preview.app/Contents/MacOS/Preview %s;\
    nametemplate = %s.pdf;\
    test = [ "${OSTYPE}" = darwin ];\
      trap "rm -f ${infile}" EXIT\;\
      trap "exit 75" INT QUIT TERM\;\
      mupdf "${infile}";\
    nametemplate = %s.pdf;\
    test = [ -n "${DISPLAY}" ];\
    x-mailx-async; x-mailx-test-once
    command -v pdfinfo >/dev/null 2>&1 && pdfinfo %s\;\
      pdftotext -layout %s -;\
    nametemplate = %s.pdf;\

For "print ." this will fall through to the last entry, because of
the "copiousoutput" flag which states this entry embeds nicely
into normal display flow.

For "mimeview ." this will -- on a X11 display -- use mupdf to
display the file:

  #?0!0/NONE#0|:/tmp/AU? mimev
  [-- Message  1 -- 2179 lines, 166727 bytes --]:
  Date: Mon, 11 May 2020 19:26:33 +0200
  To: e...@am.ple
  Subject: test

  [-- #1.1 2165/166339 application/pdf, base64, us-ascii --]
  [-- the-universe-as-quantum-computer.pdf --]
  Run MIME handler for this part? [no]/yes? y

You will be asked for each and every MIME part for which handlers
are installed whether they shall be run or not.

Having said that, maybe it would make sense to offer a special
x-mailx ~/.mailcap flag, maybe x-mailx-force-use or so, to always
use the handler, even if copiousoutput is not also set.
Also, if i say "? set mailcap-disable" and then

  set pipe-application/pdf='@*=mupdf $MAILX_FILENAME_TEMPORARY'

mupdf(1) will be spawned even for "print".

Ciao, and greetings to Greece!

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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