Hello and good evening.

Madou Mad wrote in
 |First of all, I wish you a blessed new year. Let's hope it'll be less
 |stressful, especially with COVID-19.

Yes a happy and healthy year to everyone.
Well, the good news is that at one time noone left to be buried
but yourself.  Haha!
May they all rest in peace at the right place where they belong.

 |I send you this message because I'm unable to send emails from
 |Microsoft Exchange Server and s-nail v14.9.23 on Void Linux. It
 |affects this current account (which uses Outlook) and another
 |account I have in a corporation, also running the same solution.
 |My credentials are saved in a NETRC file, in addition to 'netrc-lookup'
 |& 'netrc-pipe'. I have no problems to display mailboxes with IMAP

So "set v15-compat=y" there is.

 |on 993 port, for both accounts. I tried to send emails with the
 |following settings for my Hotmail address, without success  :
 | set mta="submission://smtp.office365.com"  (with and without :587 \
 | specified)
 | set smtp-use-starttls
 | set smtp-auth=login
 |The port 587 is opened, the certificate can be displayed with
 |'openssl s_client -starttls' command. In all my attempts, after I

You can use "tls fingerprint SERVER-URL[:PORT]" (or "certificate"
or "certchain" instead of "fingerprint") for this at your will.

 |edit my message with EDITOR, a timeout seems to occur as
 |nothing is happening. After around 10 seconds, I have the
 |following message :
 | s-nail: TLS socket read error, retrying: Interrupted system call
 |Once this warning, s-nail is also unable to access the mailbox
 |using IMAP. I have this message :
 | s-nail: IMAP write error: Bad file descriptor

Wait, wait.  While you are logged in into the Microsoft IMAP
server, you want to send a file via SMTP.  But the send to SMTP
happens only after editing has been ended, once and for all.
I wonder whether you have "set imap-keepalive=300" set, as this
timeout can only happen on the active IMAP connection, me thinks.
 |Using 'set debug' display the connection to the SMTP, we can
 |see the usual messages :
 | s-nail: >>> Writing message via imaps...

So storage on *record* via IMAPS works.

 | s-nail: >>> EHLO ...
 | s-nail: >>> STARTTLS
 | s-nail: >>> EHLO ...
 | s-nail: >>> AUTH LOGIN
 | (and so on).

Well that "so on" would be interesting as it seems to fail :)
I .. do not know, i once had a free Outlook account in order to
test OAuth, but i had the same experience as you do, i wrote about
it somewhere, SMTP sending just failed for no acceptable reason,
IMAP login was outright ok, exactly like you say.  But then
Microsoft blocked my account once i sent a message with the
subject "Please, i want SMTP for microsoft".

 |The message is still not sent, even if I do not have the previous warnings.
 |By any chance, do you know how I could solve this issue ?

Not at the moment.  But maybe i should try once again with a free
(non-)nonsense Outlook.com account to get SMTP working also.

I have to say, i had more trouble by then, because whereas IMAPS
worked, POP3S did not, even though the according checkbox was
enabled.  I therefore suspected it is just an upstream
unwillingness / bug.  That is, i did not even think they
effectively restricted their logins to OAuth-enabled, unlocked
applications.  I think i look again when i have time next.

Thanks for the report.  There was one in May 2020 already, but
i thought it worked out fine.  Hm.

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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