rb...@alumni.caltech.edu wrote in
 | Recently every message I have sent locally has resulted in
 | mailx: Not a header line, skipping: '>From russell  Wed Jun  8 14:43:44 \
 | 2022'
 |>N  1 russ...@randytool.net                        2022-06-08 14:43 \
 |>  17/602   subject
 | mailx: There are messages in the error ring, manageable via `errors' \
 | command
 |with this in /var/spool/mail/russell:
 | From russ...@randytool.net Wed Jun  8 14:30:49 2022
 |>From russell  Wed Jun  8 14:30:49 2022

I do not know what you do locally.
Something in your mail procession pipeline thinks it has to quote
^From to >From, but it is all wrong: why are there two From lines,
why is it quoting one even though we are still in a header, etc.

 | Received: from randytool.net (localhost [])
 |         by randytool.net ( with ESMTP id 258KUmqU014946
 |         for <russ...@randytool.net>; Wed, 8 Jun 2022 14:30:48 -0600
 | Received: (from russell@localhost)
 |         by randytool.net ( id 258KUl6Z014945
 |         for russell; Wed, 8 Jun 2022 14:30:47 -0600
 | What's causing the extraneous 'From' line?

Something in your mail processing pipeline.

 | Command line:  mail -s "subject" russell
 | However - if I specify a 'from' with -r with a different name
 |- this doesn't happen:
 | mail -s "subject" -rban...@randytool.net russell
 |but does for:
 | mail -s "subject" -rruss...@randytool.net russell
 | Since this only happens with messages sent to myself from
 |scripts I can fix it, and did, but I wonder what's happening?

If you would not have given the second, then i would think your
MTA's -f (and/or -F) somehow misbehave.

But i do know nothing of your mail pipeline.  Well, you said you
compiled your own sendmail to replace the slackware
package 8.15.2, but you did not respond to my last mail in the
thread; note your local mail processing breaks threads, too.
It appeared to me as if you have hacked something shell alike
around sendmail -t, which would explain why threads are broken
when you respond to my mails.  I said

  What does
    # echo -e "to:  russell \nsubject:  subject \n\n Text" |
      sendmail -t russell;\
      cat /var/spool/mail/russell
  say?  Is it the same messed up data?
  What does happen if all you do is
    # echo -e "to:  russell \nsubject:  subject \n\n Text" |
      sendmail -t;\
      cat /var/spool/mail/russell

  Ie, leave of the receiver argument on the command line of

(..using echo -e because you did.)

In general these ^From lines are written when writing to MBOX
files, to separate the database entries.

I do maintain mailx, not sendmail.  We do not support -t of
complete messages yet, the BSD Mail codebase has two completely
distinct code paths to handle mail ever since its beginning in
1978, and it was kept that way once MIME support was added.
Yes, rewriting this is v15.

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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