Hello Stephen.

(..yaya i will look at modifying the fetchmail oauth thing for
s-nail in the upcoming days, next week thus likely..)

Stephen Isard wrote in
 |I don't use a signature myself, but a colleague who does recently 
 |updated his s-nail from the out of date version in the ubuntu repository 
 |and got a warning that signature was obsolete and he should use 
 |on-compose-leave and message-inject-tail.  That is, replace the single 
 |whose meaning is pretty obvious to the ordinary user, with half a dozen 
 |lines of - if you will forgive my saying so - rather arcane low level 
 |code.  You shouldn't have to understand the semantics of "vput csop" 
 |to include a signature your emails.
 |Please don't misunderstand. I think it is great that you have exposed 
 |low level workings of s-nail so that, for instance, someone who wants to 
 |include different signatures for different classes of recipients can 
 |arrange that.  But it shouldn't be at the expense of over-complicating 
 |everyday use.  Please retain the signature variable.

message-inject-tail.  signature loads a file.
Well ok but the manual includes a fully spelled out example for

   define ocs_signature {
     read version
     echo '~< ~/.mysig' # '~<! fortune pathtofortunefile'
   set on-compose-splice=ocs_signature

A five line thing instead of one, and quite easy i think.  It
allows removing cruft code, the thing is much too big anyway.

I have added this one to the example nail.rc file (which will be
pimped for the next release, the example section in turns vanishs
from the manual instead).  (Some packagers replace that one,

 |All that said, I tried making a signature for myself by copying code 
 |from the man page.  It worked, in that the lines of my .signature file 
 |got tacked on correctly, but I was surprised to have the contents of 
 |message-inject-tail echoed to my screen when I sent the message.  Is 
 |there a way of stopping that?

I use message-inject-tail myself.  Would be better, no?
It is due to compatibility with Heirloom's (NAIL->MAILX)_TAIL.
With credits to you this "duplicating to the interactive terminal"
i removed.

I mean you can place multiline strings in v15-compat=y, and you
can `source' whatever file you want, for example

  $ cat .MYSIG
  set message-inject-tail=$'\nThe land returns to how it has always been\n\
  Thyme carried on the wind'
  $ MAILRC=$(pwd)/.MYSIG </dev/null \
    s-nail -:u -Smta=test -Y 'echo hey!' -s test d@u
  From steffen Fri Sep 16 19:43:33 2022
  Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2022 19:43:33 +0200
  To: d@u
  Subject: test
  User-Agent: s-nail v14.9.24-304-g45ea12f8ed

  echo hey!

  The land returns to how it has always been
  Thyme carried on the wind

So maybe we should document it better.
Of course this signature is more than a simple text file with some
content.  Unfortunately
  set message-inject-tail=$'\`{cat ~/.mysig}'
is not yet supported.

But even without the latter, i find there are plenty of _easy_
possibilites to create a signature?

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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