
The state machine of v14.10 will be (still hacky but) good enough
to drive *on-compose-embed* via a normal macro that runs _in the
current process_, instead of in a forked subprocess that needs to
be driven very complicatedly.
So, in v14.10 a signature can be done just like

  set on-compose-embed=mysig
  define mysig {
    ~< ~/.mysig

I think that is simple enough: *signature* remains obsoleted.
But i will obsolete *on-compose-splice* and
*on-compose-splice-shell* in v14.10.

May thou speak up now on complains, please.

Already Ciao!
and greetings!
from Germany for the occasional lurker!


We also support "match groups" for regular expressions and such,
and for "in-memory" results for `~^^' (new, for that purpose) or
`digmsg', which is pretty cool (as the I/O protocol used by the
splice hooks is no longer necessary at all).
For a simple example, here is my personal

  define on-compose-leave {
    \call age


    \if -N smime-sign && -N _smime-sign-cert
      \local vput fop _smime-sign-cert expand "$_smime-sign-cert"
      \if -r "$_smime-sign-cert"

^file exists?

        \dig - atta ins "$_smime-sign-cert"

^insert as attachment 

        \if $^0 -eq 210

^"Match group" used to represent result status in-memory.

          \dig - atta attribute-set-at $^1 \

^"Match group" still alive and well (^1 == index of attachment)

                  content-description S/MIME certificate for stef...@sdaoden.eu
          \ec S/MIME: $^0
          \ec S/MIME error $^0: $^*

    \local vput vexpr sec seconds
    \if $? -ne 0; \return; \en
    \local pp : $((e = sec / 60 % 60))
    \if $e -eq 42
      : $((e = -((sec % 60) - 60)))
      \ec 'Minute 42, sleeping '$e' seconds'
      \sleep $e
      : $((e = sec % 42))
      \if $e -eq 42
        \ec 'Second 42, sleeping a second'
        \sleep 1

We gain more scope control, too.  The very grazy hypothetic

       define hi {
         local pp local vput global vpospar i$((i = 1 + 1)) quote
         xcall t "$@"

keeps the modifications of the $(()) construct "local pp"
(positional parameters), keeps the assignment to the resulting
iNUMBER variable "local vput", but modifies the "global"
positional parameter stack.

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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