On Fri, 6 Mar 2020 at 01:43, Daniel Jagszent <dan...@jagszent.de> wrote:

> Hello David,

> > If I use s3ql version 2.21, which looks about the right vintage for
> > the timestamps in the bucket and is most likely the version I used
> > back then because it's the one in Debian, then I get:
> > > s3ql.backends.s3c.S3Error: AllAccessDisabled: All access to this
> > object has been disabled
> where do you get this error? (Full debug log, backtrace) The bucket you
> are trying to access is locked down; see
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53329023/allaccessdisabled-all-access-to-this-object-has-been-disabled-error-being-thr

Wordy log follows:

$ sudo bin/s3qladm --debug --authfile /etc/s3qlauth.txt upgrade
2020-03-06 20:13:44.388 4736 DEBUG    MainThread
s3ql.backends.common.get_ssl_context: Reading default CA certificates.
2020-03-06 20:13:44.389 4736 DEBUG    MainThread
s3ql.backends.s3c._do_request: started with GET
/com.cowlark.pool/s3ql_passphrase?None, qs=None
2020-03-06 20:13:44.389 4736 DEBUG    MainThread
s3ql.backends.s3c._send_request: sending GET
2020-03-06 20:13:44.914 4736 ERROR    MainThread root.excepthook: Uncaught
top-level exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "bin/s3qladm", line 26, in <module>
  File "/tmp/s3ql-release-2.21/src/s3ql/adm.py", line 90, in main
    with get_backend(options) as backend:
  File "/tmp/s3ql-release-2.21/src/s3ql/common.py", line 260, in get_backend
    getattr(options, 'compress', ('lzma', 2)), raw)()
  File "/tmp/s3ql-release-2.21/src/s3ql/common.py", line 340, in
  File "/tmp/s3ql-release-2.21/src/s3ql/backends/common.py", line 354, in
    return self.perform_read(do_read, key)
  File "/tmp/s3ql-release-2.21/src/s3ql/backends/common.py", line 108, in
    return method(*a, **kw)
  File "/tmp/s3ql-release-2.21/src/s3ql/backends/common.py", line 317, in
    fh = self.open_read(key)
  File "/tmp/s3ql-release-2.21/src/s3ql/backends/common.py", line 108, in
    return method(*a, **kw)
  File "/tmp/s3ql-release-2.21/src/s3ql/backends/s3c.py", line 329, in
    resp = self._do_request('GET', '/%s%s' % (self.prefix, key))
  File "/tmp/s3ql-release-2.21/src/s3ql/backends/s3c.py", line 537, in
  File "/tmp/s3ql-release-2.21/src/s3ql/backends/s3c.py", line 571, in
    raise get_S3Error(tree.findtext('Code'), tree.findtext('Message'),
s3ql.backends.s3c.S3Error: AllAccessDisabled: All access to this object has
been disabled

I'm not sure the bucket is locked down; later versions appear to read files
from the bucket fine (but then fail with object format mismatches). Looking
at the file in the Amazon S3 browser shows that the owner account has full

You should be able to mount your file systems with S3QL versions up to
> version 2.26.

2.26 fails too, but differently. This is the one which looks like it's
correctly reading the file from the bucket, but then failing to parse it.

$ sudo bin/s3qladm --debug --authfile /etc/s3qlauth.txt upgrade
2020-03-06 20:17:30.353 4973 DEBUG    MainThread
s3ql.backends.common.get_ssl_context: Reading default CA certificates.
2020-03-06 20:17:30.353 4973 DEBUG    MainThread
s3ql.backends.s3c._do_request: started with GET /s3ql_passphrase?None,
2020-03-06 20:17:30.353 4973 DEBUG    MainThread
s3ql.backends.s3c._send_request: sending GET
2020-03-06 20:17:30.534 4973 WARNING  MainThread
s3ql.backends.s3c._extractmeta: MD5 mismatch in metadata for s3ql_passphrase
2020-03-06 20:17:30.534 4973 DEBUG    MainThread
s3ql.backends.common.wrapped: Average retry rate: 0.02 Hz
2020-03-06 20:17:30.534 4973 DEBUG    MainThread
s3ql.backends.common.wrapped: Encountered BadDigestError (BadDigest: Meta
MD5 for s3ql_passphrase does not match), retrying Backend.open_read
(attempt 1)...
[...and repeat ad nauseam...]

Do S3 credentials ever expire?

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