On 2020-07-09 at 04:25 +0200, Daniel Jagszent wrote:
> > [...] This specific filesystem is used to store a borg repository.
> > All files are ~500 MiB in size. Consequently, I expect ~20-40k of
> > these
> > files.[...]
> this should not be a problem regarding the S3QL database size. (I
> suspect the uncompressed size of the DB would be < 100 MiB)
> > I have not (yet) profiled the file access patterns exactly, but I
> > know
> > that all new writes are strictly sequential and files are never
> > rewritten, but accessing a borg repository causes many small random
> > reads with no discernible pattern.
> I do not know the specifics of the content-defined chunking borg uses
> but when it is is similar to restic's implementation (
> https://godoc.org/github.com/restic/chunker ) then chunks will be
> between 512KiB and 8MiB. Let's say that compression can reduce that 2
> times. So the chunks borg needs to access are between ~256KiB and
> ~4MiB.
> Then maybe a max S3QL block size of 5 MiB instead of the default of
> 10
> MiB would be better.  Since your file system has relatively few
> inodes
> (~40k inodes, ~40k names, 4M blocks) this should be OK for the S3QL
> database.

That's true for data chunks, but metadata chunks are smaller. I still
have no hard profile data (bpf doesn't like me), but plain stracing
shows that pruning/deleting old archives with borg (metadata heavy
operation) performs a scatter of 128 KiB reads every 1-10 MiB, which
naturally results in huge read amplification. Pruning two archives from
a test 600 GiB repository has just crossed 100 GiB total I/O.

Not sure if this can be solved with reducing S3QL block size...

> Besides max block size what really really would improve the random
> read/write performance is a dedicated SSD for the S3QL cache.

Yes, I do have an SSD for the cache — not dedicated, though.

Ivan Shapovalov / intelfx /

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